Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Took Kal for his annual vaccinations last Thursday (and I realized he's always going to be due on/around Leo's birthday...).

He still weighs 87.something lbs. Still hasn't really gained any since last fall, or since February.

He was good for the vet, and mooched A LOT of treats,

which is probably why he started breaking out in hives again Friday evening.

It was that or the vaccines, but since the hives were only located on/around his right shoulder, and the vaccines went into the right and left hips, I'm sure it was the treats. There was probably chicken in them.

I wasn't even thinking.

But those are the only two variables that have changed, recently, so...

It hasn't spread, at least, and they are all cleared up today, after looking much better yesterday.

He's disemboweled his bed 4 mornings in a row, so far this week, but I've been yelling at him to "HUSH!" when he begins fussing in the early mornings (or getting up and going to tell him to hush, on the mornings where his daddy is home asleep, instead of just coming in from the night shift),and it seems to be working. He still wakes at 5:30 am and amuses himself with his Nylabone (or, apparently not...) for about half an hour, but now he doesn't fuss until 6:30/6:45, instead of 6:00 or 6:15.

DH has been walking him on a prong collar for about 2 weeks, now, after a particularly adventurous and challenging walk one morning where a pair of bunnies, followed by a pair of ducks,  followed by a pair of squirrels proved to be too much excitement for Kal to handle.

I guess there's progress in this post, somewhere...