Friday, May 20, 2016

15 Weeks

15 Weeks
35.4 lbs
19-ish inches (it's really hard to get him to stand still long enough to get an accurate measurement. I've over-estimated in recent weeks. Technically we got 18 and 3/4, but since I already wrote 19 down at least once...)

Yesterday was interesting, since he discovered the cats' litter box the day before, and has been investigating. Leo never got into the litter box. At least Kal's head will be too big to fit through the opening pretty soon...

Thank goodness I bought regular clay litter last week. I've been increasingly frustrated by my good ol' Tidy Cats for Multiple cats, of late. One 20lb carton does not last a full two weeks around here, since we've moved, and that's with half as many cats AND a litter box half the size of our old one. I buy cat litter every two weeks (hard on the paycheck and the grocery budget) and it is always completely gone before the next payday, leaving me struggling for something to use instead and buying the cheap, $1.16 plain, unscented clay cat litter (which barely lasts 4 day before the whole house starts to reek of ammonia) just to get by.

Anyway, I left Kal playing (shouldn't have, but he's been ok so far) and went to give myself a bathroom break, and, though I wasn't gone long, when I came back, Airlie was staring intently at the cat box and Kal was nowhere to be seen.

At first I thought he'd actually crawled all the way INSIDE the box. Then I turned the corner into the kitchen and there he was, wandering around, perplexed, licking his lips and gagging, trying to swallow, like they do when they've got a slimy rawhide piece too far back in their throat or stuck to the roof of their mouth...

I pried his mouth open and the opening to his throat was a solid mass of gooey cat litter. I started praying and scooping it out, throwing it on the floor, assuring myself it should be fine, it wasn't the clumping kind, cats have to walk on it and then lick their paws so it shouldn't be harmful... That he surely wasn't the first puppy to have done this.

I hoped I'd gotten it all, and that he hadn't managed to swallow much once it mixed with the saliva and got stuck in his throat. He went back to playing as usual, eating his meals and drinking, and I did fine one cat- litter-laden poop this morning, so...

But, oh, man, I thought I'd killed the dog!

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