Wednesday, June 22, 2016

20 Weeks

20 Weeks Old
50.6 lbs
?? Inches Tall

Still has a few upper deciduous premolars. Hasn't lost any more of his bottom teeth. One set of adult upper premolars to go!

Wild child has spent the week chewing/ingesting entire body parts of his plush toys. Last Thursday night, I had to take away one of his plush lions, because he was about to chew completely through a plush limb. The next morning, I while inspecting the plush lion and cutting off the dangling leg, I realized itwas already missing one limb... and the tail...

I thought I'd cut off all of the lion's tails weeks ago, in a preemptive strike when I noticed him chewing on the first one (the plush lion theme is alive and well in this house).

I guess not.

The weekend was spent keeping an eye out for any issues with intestinal blockages, and checking poop- especially since each lion leg contained a mini squeaker.

I thought I found the missing leg in Kal's poop on Friday evening.

That was before I realized it must have been the tail...

He threw up Saturday morning, at 5:30, but had eaten it all by the time I got in there to check. He's a fast thing, dang it!

4:30 am Sunday morning, I again flew out of bed to the sound of Kal puking. This time I was prepared and threw one of a stack of towels on the mess-  plus, he'd actually vomited outside of the crate this time... that kept him from eating much.

It smelled FOUL!

I'm not squeamish, but it was bad. I was staring at this solid pile of smelly stuff wondering "What in the hell...?!"

Oh, wait, THIS is the missing lion's leg. Completely intact. Squeaker still inside.

I took that lion, and one other, out of his crate. No more snuggle buddies at bedtime for Kal.

I never even noticed the Spot "Flat Cats" lion was missing until he paused to vomit up another tube-shaped was of brown fabric in the middle of our walk this morning. It took me a while to figure out what it was (while holding my breath).

He has plenty of Nylabones in his bed, two different strengths. He just prefers something softer,sometimes.

Can't wait til the chewing is over.

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