21 Weeks
?? inches tall.
Still has a couple of upper puppy premolars, but I expect them to fall out by the end of the week. The same ones are still in place on the bottom, too, and I think the lower front teeth are all still baby teeth. I haven't seen any of those fall out/grow in yet, but he's not great about letting me pull down his lower lip to see them, so... it's possible I missed that whole thing. His adult upper canine teeth are both coming in- behind the baby ones, which haven't fallen out yet. They are typically the last to fall out and it should happen sometime within the next couple of weeks, so I'm not worried, but it will be something to watch, and it's interesting, as this hasn't happened this way before with the other pups. It was really funny and a surprise to look in his mouth this morning and see those points peeking out of his gums on either side of the baby canines.
His teeth have really been bothering him this week. Lots of bleeding from the loose baby premolars,
so they should be out soon. I've had to start putting his Nylabone in the freezer. He likes that, plus it keeps him cool on the warmer days. He was up at 4am chewing on it this morning.
I wish this dog would sleep past 6am... He still doesn't.
The leash walking is going well. He picks up less and less with his mouth and is getting good about "leave it" instead of grabbing the odd rock, piece of trash, etc... and will "drop it" most of the time when told, if the "leave it" gets ignored.
Two mornings of vomiting nothing but stomach acid at around 7:15 this week. Hoping that's related to the teething. Not sure what it could be, otherwise.
He's great at "sit", "shake", "down", "high five", and is learning "wave" and "speak". He's started mimicking Kansas in the mornings, when she "woo-woo-woo"s after we return from our walk and before I feed her- only for him it's more of a "bark-bark-bark" in her exact same tone. He does it right after she does. It's hysterical.
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